Month: February 2011

  • Google wanted and still wants Nokia to go Android

    When Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt delivered his Keynote speech at the ongoing Mobile World Congress show in Barcelona, we had a feeling that Schmidt would touch the Nokia Android partnership topic, and as it turned out we were bang on target. The Google executive revealed that they tried to convince the Finlanders to join the…

  • Sortie du livre blanc archivage documentaire : enjeux de la dématérialisation

    OCTO annonce la sortie de son dernier livre blanc : Archivage documentaire, enjeux de la dématérialisation – Papier contre bits. Vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement sur notre site internet Rangez au placard tous vos préjugés ! Non, l’archivage n’est pas un sujet ringard ! Au contraire, il soulève des enjeux majeurs dans vos SI pour…

  • HTC Flyer is HTC’s first Tablet, won’t become pre-loaded with Honeycomb

    It’s raining HTC mobile products in Barcelona at the one and only Mobile World Congress show. And as expected, HTC has announceds its first ever Android Tablet and Yes it is the previously rumored HTC Flyer, which we previously termed as an enlarged version of HTC Desire. Here is how the hardware profile stands for…

  • iPhone 5 getting a 4 inch touch-screen to compete with gigantic Android phones

    Is it just me or is it really odd that we are seeing some of the most juicy iPhone rumors surface at a time when the world is watching Mobile World Congress? Anyways, let’s cut to the chase. Digitimes, why am I not surprised, is spreading a new rumor which suggests that the iPhone 5…

  • Kinect enters the Android world

    Boy these Kinect hacks just keep popping up don’t they. And whenever they do, the remind us of one and only one thing – Kinect has infinite uses and applications. The hack which we are going to share with you folks today is one that will particularly appeal to the Android loving nation as YouTube…

  • OCTO talks ! » Partageons ce qui nous départage : le livre est sorti !

    Partageons ce qui nous départage : le livre est sorti ! 17 janvier 2011 par David Alia | | | En décembre dernier nous vous annoncions la sortie du livre « Partageons ce qui nous départage », à travers le blog éponyme C’est désormais chose faite : le livre est disponible dans toutes les bonnes librairies,…

  • iPhone has a serious security flaw, can leak your password within minutes

    It seems that Android, Gingerbread to be more specific isn’t the only one that has serious security loopholes. iPhone has a security flaw of its own that one hopes will be taken into notice and fixed by Apple as soon as possible. German Researchers have come across an iOS exploit which allows them to steal…

  • On iOS Devices, Native Apps Trump Web Apps (Infographic)

    On iOS Devices, Native Apps Trump Web Apps (Infographic) Robin Wauters Jan 27, 2011 Appsfire, one of the leading mobile app discovery platforms, has analyzed 1,000 devices from its users to gain some insight with regards to the native app vs. Web app debate. It’s 2011, so the research was of course comes accompanied by an…

  • Apple releases iOS 4.2.6 for Verizon iPhone

    Apple has rolled out iOS 4.2.6 for Verizon iPhone which is a bit strange considering the fact that 10th February is scheduled to be the day on which CDMA iPhone will hit the retail stores. But since the Cupertinos have released the iOS firmware, there might be a reason for this which is what we…