Tag: Architecture
Series: How to Kill the Architecture Department? Part 1
Part 1: The Employee Formerly Known As Architect Every system has an architecture, but it is not necessarily designed by an architect. This post sketches a reference model for agile organizations without the role of Architect. Next posts in this series will provide best practices on how to improve architecture within this architect-less agile reference…
Architects & Scrum: 4. What is the role of the architect in Scrum?
In my last blog I presented an illustration which shows the two primary aspects of the architects’ role. On one side they play a role in strengthening the heartbeat. On the other side, they play a role in envisioning the future. The focus in this blog is on the solution architect or application architect. The…
Et si vous codiez une application qui supporte 1 milliard d’utilisateurs ?
Le Challenge USI est un concours organisé dans le cadre de l’USI 2011, en partenariat avec VMware et Steria. Il est ouvert à des équipes d’étudiants et de développeurs qui ont envie d’implémenter des architectures à haute performance, comparables à celles des grands du Web (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Il consiste à créer une application…