Tag: Windows Phone 8
Mutualisation des développements avec VS 2012 – Cellenza Blog
Jonathan Pamphile, consultant chez Cellenza, vous présente la mutualisation des développements sous Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 avec Visual Studio 2012 au travers d’un Webcast diffusé dans l’émission Bon App ! Windows 8 et Windows Phone 8 Les points suivants sont notamment abordés : Utilisation du pattern Model-View-ViewModel Utilisation des Portable Class Libraries Utilisation de…
Six fonctionnalités Windows Phone 8 pour les TPE et les petites PME
D’un point de vue « informatique », une petite PME ou une TPE ou les professions libérales sont des entreprises qui n’ont souvent pas d’informatique gérée, pas de serveurs, un parc de machines hétéroclites avec souvent une utilisation de PC ou de smartphone personnels dans un contexte professionnel (du BYOD). Nous allons voir dans cet article quelles…
App to App Communication in Windows Phone 8
Learn all about app to app communication in Windows Phone 8. In this video, Andy and Rob demonstrate app to app communication in Windows Phone 8. Topics such as auto-launching with File and Protocol Associations (URI), launching apps to handle particular File Types, and launching one app from another are covered. Be sure to check…
IT Pro Talk: Mobile device management and Windows Phone 8
Last month I introduced you to the business hub for Windows Phone 8, a site where IT professionals can find white papers and info for deploying Windows Phones in the workplace. In this post, I’ll drill in a little and detail some of the mobile device management (MDM) capabilities of Windows Phone 8, highlighting related IT pro…
Nokia announces new phones, apps, partnerships
Nokia just wrapped up a busy press conference at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, where most of the world’s smartphone industry is gathered this week. The company announced new Windows Phone 8 models, the availability of its popular location apps and services to more Windows Phones, and tantalizing details about new partnerships and initiatives in…
Meet the business hub, a new online resource for managing Windows Phones in the workplace
You know that Windows Phone 8 is great at keeping you connected in your personal life, but did you know that Windows Phone 8 is also great for work? I’d like to introduce you to the Windows Phone business hub at www.windowsphone.com/business. It’s your one-stop shop for finding out about business-related phone features like hardware-accelerated…
Syncing Google services with Windows Phone
You may have seen a recent announcement from Google regarding changes to the Google Sync service used to connect devices to Google services (Google Sync utilizes the Exchange ActiveSync, or EAS, protocol from Microsoft to synchronize email, contacts, and calendar). We’re happy to share today that Google will extend their support for new Windows Phone…
NFC dans votre Windows Phone, à quoi ça sert ?
NFC (Near Field Communications : communication en champ proche) est une technologie qui, comme son nom l’indique, permet l’échange d’informations sans contact entre des périphériques à faible distance, de l’ordre de 3 ou 4 cm. La technologie NFC peut vous permettre de : Partager des photos ou d’autres contenus. Approchez le téléphone d’un autre appareil…
Windows Phone 8 Application Lifecycle
Rob TiffanyDuring this video, Andy Wigley and I focus on key concepts like the Windows Phone 8 program lifecycle. You’ll learn about things like Launching and Closing, Deactivating and Activating, Dormant and Tombstoned applications and the Simulation Dashboard. Next, we discuss Idle Detection on Windows Phone and Detecting Obscured events, Fast Application Resume, Lifecycle design,…
Files and Storage on Windows Phone 8
Rob TiffanyThis video covers new storage concepts for Windows Phone 8. The concepts covered in this video include accessing the Installation folder or the Local folder using the Windows Phone Runtime Windows.Storage APIs. Additionally, Andy and I focus…