Tag: Methodology
Performance testing with Selenium and JMeter
In this blog I will show a way to do performance testing with Selenium. The reason I use Selenium for performance testing is that some applications use proprietary protocols between the application layer in the browser and the server. So just capturing the traffic between the server and replaying modified traffic is not that simple.…
Series: How to Kill the Architecture Department? Part 1
Part 1: The Employee Formerly Known As Architect Every system has an architecture, but it is not necessarily designed by an architect. This post sketches a reference model for agile organizations without the role of Architect. Next posts in this series will provide best practices on how to improve architecture within this architect-less agile reference…
You do not want agile
No really….. you don’t. Well, maybe you do, but the boardroom certainly doesn’t. They have never heard about agile, let alone what it is all about. Is this something that will help us solve our problems or just a new IT buzzword? Upper level management doesn’t think in terms of agile, they think in terms…
Why Application Release Automation needs a Release and an Operations view
As the interface between Development and Operations, Application Release Management1 handles information that is highly relevant to your Release and Operations teams. Selecting an Application Release Automation solution that provides insight and analytics from both perspectives is thus a key component of an effective DevOps strategy. Here, we explain how Deployit‘s Infrastructure and new Release…
Don’t even think of a metrics dashboard!
I used to be a big fan of tools. I still am…..but not as big a fan as I used to be. This changed after I realized the meaning of ‘Individuals and interactions over processes and tools’. Especially the “interactions over tools” part. This week’s blog Eat your failure cake! Learn from your mistakes. motivated…
Squeeze More Out of Kanban With POLCA!
In Agile methods focus on short feedback cycles and regular delivery of (business) value. Both are supported by having short lead times. Kanban is one of the tools to manage the flow of tasks and reduce lead times. This article shows how to reduce lead times even further. One of the mechanisms in Kanban to…
Why TDD+ Continuous testing is imperative for mobile apps (part 1 of n)
Since a couple of months I’ve been developing mobile applications, some are for the business at home (girlfriend-shopping-list app that actually works and augmented reality garden iPad app) and some are for work. I have experienced that TDD and Continuous testing (Test Driven Development) is a way of working that leads to fewer bugs and…