Tag: iPhone
5 Steps to Containerize your Enterprise Mobile Apps
Just in case you haven’t noticed lately, the BYOD Juggernaut appears to be stumbling in the security department. It’s time to get your mobile enterprise house in order and containerize your apps to create islands of security on potentially insecure mobile devices. We’ve seen buggy mobile operating system updates that allow users to bypass lock screens, public…
Réussissez votre mise en store iOS et Android
En octobre 2012, le nombre d’applications présentes sur le Play Store a dépassé la valeur phare de 700 000 apps, détrônant par cette occasion l’App Store de sa place de magasin d’apps le plus fourni. Face à ce nombre démesuré, un constat s’impose : développer la meilleure application possible est un effort vain si celle-ci…
iOS 4 records your location in a hidden file, syncs it to your desktop when connected to iTunes
If you didn’t already think your smartphone knows too much about you, here’s a handy reminder. A duo of UK researchers have uncovered a worrying (and oddly enough, undocumented) feature in iOS 4: it asks your iPhone to record your location constantly, then timestamps that data and records it for posterity. Without alerting you that…
Who is Winning the U.S. Smartphone Battle? | Nielsen Wire
Who is Winning the U.S. Smartphone Battle? March 3, 2011The answer depends on whether you’re looking at operating systems or manufacturers. The battle for the hearts and minds of consumer smartphone owners continues to be a heated one according to data just released by The Nielsen Company. When it comes to consumer marketshare by operating…
Mettre en place une couverture de tests minimale sur une application iPhone
Imaginons un projet mobile avec des délais très restreints et une équipe qui n’est pas familière avec la mise en place de tests unitaires sur iPhone/iPad, ça vous rappelle quelque chose ? Sur ce type de projet les tests unitaires sont souvent quasi inexistants, et les équipes sont axées sur la réalisation plutôt que sur…
Imagination: Button-less iPhone 5
This week has been a productive one for iPhone 5 rumors. One of the speculations which caught everyone’s attention was the possibility of Apple equipping iPhone 5 with a 4 inch touch-screen. MacWorld.it folks gave this rumor some thought and have come up with how Apple may go about bringing a 4 inch smartphone –…
iPhone 5 getting a 4 inch touch-screen to compete with gigantic Android phones
Is it just me or is it really odd that we are seeing some of the most juicy iPhone rumors surface at a time when the world is watching Mobile World Congress? Anyways, let’s cut to the chase. Digitimes, why am I not surprised, is spreading a new rumor which suggests that the iPhone 5…
Multitouch gestures won’t work on iPhone 4. Here’s why?
Earlier in the day, we shared with you a possibility of Apple blessing iPhone 4 with multi-touch gestures. In that post, we had our reservations about the multi-tasking gestures not being a good idea for iPhone’s not so large touch screen. And now thanks to Engadget, we have the video evidence that confirms our fear.…
2011 : un tournant pour Android
2009 et 2010 ont marqué l’avènement et la croissance incroyable de l’iPhone dans notre pays. La présence sur l’App Store est devenue une nécessité marketing, aussi avons nous vu le nombre de projets iPhone considérablement augmenter à Octo cette année. Nouvelle année oblige, il est l’heure des prévisions… Rétrospective 2010 On ne va pas s’étendre…