Tag: Visual Studio 2012
Mutualisation des développements avec VS 2012 – Cellenza Blog
Jonathan Pamphile, consultant chez Cellenza, vous présente la mutualisation des développements sous Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 avec Visual Studio 2012 au travers d’un Webcast diffusé dans l’émission Bon App ! Windows 8 et Windows Phone 8 Les points suivants sont notamment abordés : Utilisation du pattern Model-View-ViewModel Utilisation des Portable Class Libraries Utilisation de…
Inside the Kinect for Windows SDK Update with Peter Zatloukal and Bob Heddle
Now that the updated Kinect for Windows SDK is available for download, Engineering Manager Peter Zatloukal and Group Program Manager Bob Heddle sat down to discuss what this significant update means to developers. Bob Heddle demonstrates the new infrared functionality in the Kinect for Windows SDK. Why should developers care about this update to the…
Kinect for Windows releases SDK update and launches in China
I’m very pleased to announce that the latest Kinect for Windows runtime and software development kit (SDK) have been released today. I am also thrilled to announce that the Kinect for Windows sensor is now available in China. Developers and business leaders around the world are just beginning to realize what’s possible when the natural…