Tag: General

  • You do not want agile

    No really….. you don’t. Well, maybe you do, but the boardroom certainly doesn’t. They have never heard about agile, let alone what it is all about. Is this something that will help us solve our problems or just a new IT buzzword? Upper level management doesn’t think in terms of agile, they think in terms…

  • Don’t even think of a metrics dashboard!

    I used to be a big fan of tools. I still am…..but not as big a fan as I used to be. This changed after I realized the meaning of ‘Individuals and interactions over processes and tools’. Especially the “interactions over tools” part. This week’s blog Eat your failure cake! Learn from your mistakes. motivated…

  • Squeeze More Out of Kanban With POLCA!

    In Agile methods focus on short feedback cycles and regular delivery of (business) value. Both are supported by having short lead times. Kanban is one of the tools to manage the flow of tasks and reduce lead times. This article shows how to reduce lead times even further. One of the mechanisms in Kanban to…

  • Architects & Scrum: 4. What is the role of the architect in Scrum?

    In my last blog I presented an illustration which shows the two primary aspects of the architects’ role. On one side they play a role in strengthening the heartbeat. On the other side, they play a role in envisioning the future. The focus in this blog is on the solution architect or application architect. The…

  • Why we don’t need Devops

    I am a strong believer in the fact that we don’t need Devops. We’ll at least I believe we shouldn’t need Devops. And I’ll tell you why. Devops is a set of methods and procedures that is geared towards integrating the Operations specialist into the development team. This is done to the ends of developing…