Category: WindowsPhone
Syncing Google services with Windows Phone
You may have seen a recent announcement from Google regarding changes to the Google Sync service used to connect devices to Google services (Google Sync utilizes the Exchange ActiveSync, or EAS, protocol from Microsoft to synchronize email, contacts, and calendar). We’re happy to share today that Google will extend their support for new Windows Phone…
8 Tips for Designing Windows Phone Apps
As part of the “App to the future” challenge (see details at the end of the post) we’ve conducted Lightning Design Review sessions for a few weeks, and one thing struck me as I was watching: review after review, I could clearly identify some recurring patterns. So, I asked Senior Interactive Designer, Lincoln Anderson, who hosts the…
Unified Enterprise Management Solution with Windows Intune
via What’s New in Windows Intune – New Features, Changes | TechNet. Unified Enterprise Management Solution In this article: User-based Licensing Extending Client Support Understanding Mobile Device Management Customizing the Company Portal Application Distributing Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 Applications Dynamic Group Configuration Wizard Updates Updating Endpoint Protection Policy Summary Resources With this update,…
Formation Design d’applications Windows 8 & Windows Phone
Du designer au développeur Avec l’arrivée de Windows 8, de Windows Phone 8 et de tous les terminaux, le design est au cœur du développement applicatif. Il doit être considéré comme une caractéristique intégrée au cycle de vie de la réalisation de votre application. Lors de cette matinée consacrée exclusivement au design d’applications, nous vous…
Files and Storage on Windows Phone 8
Rob TiffanyThis video covers new storage concepts for Windows Phone 8. The concepts covered in this video include accessing the Installation folder or the Local folder using the Windows Phone Runtime Windows.Storage APIs. Additionally, Andy and I focus…
Network Monitoring for Windows Phone Apps
This blog post was authored by Rahul Bagaria, a program manager on the Windows Phone developer tools team. – Jonathan Consumers and businesses are increasingly becoming dependent on the continuous connection of smartphones to networks. However, there is a side effect that stems from such pervasive network connectivity, which is often termed as bill shock…
Windows Phone 8 Jump Start Training is here
Last week we hosted the Windows Phone 8 Jump Start training, a fast-paced and demo-packed learning ‘experience’ tailored to show developers how to build responsive, appealing, and effective applications quickly. If you missed this outstanding event, you’re in luck. All 20 modules are now available online for your on-demand viewing, (or download) on Channel 9. Here’s…
Updating your Windows Phone Location code to use WinRT
This blog post was authored by Daniel Estrada Alva, a software development engineer on the Windows Phone team. – Adam In this post I describe how you can optionally modify your Windows Phone 7 geolocation code to use the new Windows Runtime (WinRT) Geolocation APIs in Windows Phone 8. Modifying your code to use the…
Les fonctions de Windows Phone 7.8 dévoilées et confirmées !
Si vous nous suivez régulièrement, vous savez sans doute que nous n’avions pour l’instant aucune information officielle de la part de Microsoft concernant la mise à jour Windows Phone 7.8 et ses nouvelles fonctionnalités (mis à part le nouvel écran d’accueil façon WP8). Microsoft n’a toujours rien communiqué, cependant, nous avons appris via WPCentral que…
Windows Phone Toolkit overview
The Toolkit team is proud to announce the release of the Windows Phone 8 version of the Windows Phone Toolkit. Here’s what’s new: New toolkit download from CodePlex Installation exclusively through NuGet (deprecated .msi download file) Windows Phone 7 and Windows Phone 8 toolkits in a single package New controls and features Bug fixesFor those…