Motorola XOOM rooted [How to Guide included]

Folks who just bought Motorola XOOM and are into hacking side of things will be pleased to know that the world’s first Honeycomb has been rooted. Care to guess the person behind this feat. We address this and provide the root guide after the jump.

Motorola XOOM root

Koushik Dutta is the name which needs no introduction to the Android hackers universe. And as the man said, the first Honeycomb Tablet being a pure Google experience offering device didn’t pose much of a challenge in reaching the rooted stage. But hey if I’m getting a rooted XOOM, I would consider it a big achievement.

Steps to root Motorola XOOM

Step 1: Download the XOOM root zip.

Step 2: Unzip the package.

Step 3: Put your junk in the box.

Step 4: adb reboot bootloader (skip the next 3 steps if you have already unlocked via fastboot)

Step 5: fastboot oem unlock

Step 6: wait for reboot

Step 7: adb reboot bootloader

Step 8: fastboot flash boot rootboot.img

Step 9: fastboot reboot

Step 10: wait for reboot

Step 11: adb remount

Step 12: adb push su /system/bin/

Step 13: adb shell ln –s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su

Step 14: adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su

Step 15: adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/

So are you in the mood to root your Motorola XOOM? Let us know in the comments section. For more Android stuff, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and subscribe to our RSS Feed.


