Month: September 2011

  • Don’t even think of a metrics dashboard!

    I used to be a big fan of tools. I still am…..but not as big a fan as I used to be. This changed after I realized the meaning of ‘Individuals and interactions over processes and tools’. Especially the “interactions over tools” part. This week’s blog Eat your failure cake! Learn from your mistakes. motivated…

  • Squeeze More Out of Kanban With POLCA!

    In Agile methods focus on short feedback cycles and regular delivery of (business) value. Both are supported by having short lead times. Kanban is one of the tools to manage the flow of tasks and reduce lead times. This article shows how to reduce lead times even further. One of the mechanisms in Kanban to…

  • How to Install Windows 8 quickly and safely !!

    Hello, this is a simple tutorial on how to test any windows version without having to wait all that installationlong time or without having to loose your OS and too without having to use virtual PC or any software like it.Its based on a Virtual Drive and some simple steps1- Right click on Computer icon…

  • First steps in Android

    With everybody going mobile, we could not stay behind. This meant we had to create an Android application, because we (Bram Neijt, Arno den Hond and your chronicler) do not own one of them fancy iPhones. Also, Android is way cooler. To begin our journey to become Android developers, we decided to create Quizzz: an…

  • “Kinecting” Health on Microsoft Health Tech Today – HealthBlog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs

    hlthblog 7 Sep 2011 6:36 AM Comments 1 These days we hear a lot about “Connected” Health. At Microsoft, we are focused on connecting people, processes, and information using solutions that advance collaboration and help clinicians and other health workers make insightful decisions.  We provide solutions for identity and access management, infrastructure optimization, communication and…

  • Et si nous définissions l’Internet des objets ?

    Le concept L’Internet des objets repose sur l’idée que tous les objets seront connectés un jour à Internet et seront donc capables d’émettre de l’information et éventuellement de recevoir des commandes. On parle aussi d’ “ubiquitous computing”, c’est à dire informatique omniprésente, ambiante, ou pervasive. Ce nouveau paradigme informatique est basé non plus sur le…